In our specialist field of arranging insurance for Exhibition Contractors and Suppliers it is difficult to acquire any experienced staff, they just don't grow on trees. As InEvexco has grown in terms of client numbers and reputation for good old speed of service and understanding, we have been able to entice some of the top names in our chosen sector. John Harrison (former ESSA Council Member) and Dennis Acott were first to look after Exhibition Contractors and Suppliers back in 2012. Mark Clayton joined later that year and brought Toni Tree in to provide the necessary support and technical knowledge required by the unique sector. All the aforementioned were actively involved with Woodgates Insurance Brokers the original specialist broker working with BECA and then ESSA. Woodgates was bought by Towergate in 2008 but after little more than 2-3 years those named above decided a smaller, privately owned firm would offer a more empathic and appropriate service to members and InEvexco was born.
Rebecca Hulls joined us with scheme experience in different sectors but quickly converted those to be able to understand and explain the bespoke cover we offer ESSA members. Ralph Thrower joined us on 8th May and secures our position as the insurance broker with by far the most experience in the sector.
For more information please visit InEvexco Service