With so much choice when it comes to accreditation in the events industry, how do you pick the one that will benefit your business the most?  Andrew Harrison gives his thoughts in Headquarters Magazine.

With so much choice on the market these days when it comes to accreditation in the events industry, how can you ensure you are picking one that’s going to benefit your businesses the most? Andrew Harrison, Director at the Event Supplier & Services Association, explores…

It’s a competitive world out there and in the events industry, it’s no exception. Suppliers, organisers and event professionals are all looking for ways to showcase their companies' expertise to stand out amongst the competition. But is joining an accredited body the best way of achieving this?

Well, yes and no.

Accreditation, particularly in the last several years, has become an increasingly popular option for those in our industry looking to demonstrate their ability to fulfil their role to an accepted standard. Yet, as the number of accreditation options has grown, as have the number of companies wanting to stand out, and I feel we have begun to lose sight of what the purpose of accreditation is in the first place.

Community and accreditation

While accreditation can help businesses differentiate themselves from others, accreditation is less about the ‘me’ and more about the ‘we’.

It’s about setting real standards within the industry and working together to achieve them – being part of something bigger and part of a group of like-minded individuals wanting to do better for our industry.

This community aspect of accreditation is something I feel is lacking in many accreditations on the market today. Accreditation is so much more than placing a new logo on your website and social media profiles – it’s a showcase of your commitment to supporting better standards in the events industry with real evidence of your ability to do so.

Here at ESSA, we place a large focus on the community aspect of our accreditation. Between our numerous working groups designed to encourage networking between members while setting best practices, to our in-person training events such as our CPD Certified sustainability training, community is at the heart of our accreditation to bring people together for the betterment of our industry.

Showcasing your commitment

Yet accreditation also places a commitment on those to showcase their ability to work to these standards. It’s not simply enough to say you are committed to working to them – you need to be able to demonstrate your ability to do so.

That’s why accreditation needs to be able to assess the technical competence of those looking to become accredited. What’s more, this assessment needs to be backed by industry recognised standards that reflect the knowledge and commitment shown by those seeking accreditation.

Doing so isn’t always easy and may require multiple steps, but that’s why accreditation should be a valuable asset to those companies that achieve it – it provides demonstrable proof that a business and its management systems are at the required level to meet – and in many cases exceed - agreed industry standards.

Fundamentally, accreditation is the formal recognition by an authoritative body of the competence and desire to work to specified standards. If a company can achieve an accreditation with minimal or even no effort, how can that effectively showcase a company’s commitment and expertise?

Accreditation for all

Accreditation is a powerful tool designed to help businesses improve and thrive. It provides a structured framework for auditing, refining, and enhancing operations, ensuring that companies meet the highest industry standards. For newer businesses, accreditation offers clear guidance to set up strong practices from the start, while for established companies, it helps to evaluate and strengthen existing systems, driving continuous improvement.

The process might seem daunting, but it’s important to know that accreditation is designed to support, not overwhelm. With guidance, templates, and examples available from the ESSA team with our Health & Safety Accreditation, along with support from the wider membership community, companies can feel confident at every stage of the journey.

The same is true for our Sustainability Accreditation. Developed in collaboration with ESSA’s Sustainability and Cross-Association Sustainability Working Groups, we ensure it is accessible for all while also aligning with key industry standards and net-zero event initiatives, as well as ISO standards such as ISO14001 and ISO20121.

Ultimately, accreditation is not about ticking boxes— it’s about helping businesses grow, achieve excellence, and stand out in the competitive events industry. With the support and resources available, companies of all sizes should feel empowered to take this step towards greater success.

Accreditation should be more than just a ‘badge of honour’. It should be a true reflection of your skills and a pledge of your commitment to the betterment of the events industry – and that’s something worth making the effort for.

Published in Headquarters Magazine in October 2024



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